Quality assurance is a wide concept that covers all aspects that collectively or individually impact the quality of the product.
Quality assurance is a good practice in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products, as it is the process of vouching for integrity of products to meet the standard for the proposed use.
To maintain the quality assurance of products we offer we look and control everthing realted to the making of the product like.
- Raw Material Quality
- Operational Quality
- Equipments & Instruments Quality
- Ancillary material Quality
- Persons Engaged in complete Operation
- Manufacturing & Testing Quality
Our patient-centric approach extends to our quality policy as well. Our focus on quality helps us to ensure product safety and efficacy, regardless of the drug form. We believe that quality is the mainstay of competitiveness and create an environment of Quality and Compliance, in line with the global best practices. Our dedication to quality in everything we do is uncompromising and covers every stage of the development, production, and marketing of our medicines. Our commitment is to implement a robust global quality management system in order to sustain a culture of operational excellence, while meeting and exceeding the expectations of all stakeholders, including patients, customers and regulators.